Embrace Social Sports, Regardless of Fitness Levels

Question: Have you (or are you currently) ever been intimidated by the idea of joining a social sports team because you're worried about your fitness level?

We're here to tell you that you shouldn't let that stop you from enjoying the many benefits of social sports. At Just Play, we believe that sports are for everyone, regardless of fitness level or experience. So, here are some reasons why you shouldn't let your fitness level hold you back from playing!

Social Sports are Fun and Inclusive:

  • All skill levels are welcome in social sport, which are designed to be fun and enjoyable for everyone. At Just Play our focus has always been more about the social, fun aspect of sport. Skill level really doesn’t matter, as long as you’re willing to have a go and be a friendly teammate.

  • Most leagues prioritise fun and sportsmanship over competition, so there's no pressure to be an elite athlete or ultra competitive.

  • You'll find a variety of sports and leagues to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your interests and abilities. Some might be more aimed at beginners, while others are a little more intermediate. Take the time to find something that works for you!


“Fitness wasn't a huge issue or worry for me in the beginning as I'd had a decent amount of training under my belt. Initially, the hardest part for me was working out whether my skill level would match the team. My advice to anyone worrying about this is to pick the beginner games, they're pretty relaxed and most player play for fun. Nobody really cares about how good you are, just as long as you're a team player, and give all of your effort. Everyone I've played with has been awesome and haven't had any issues with team members.” — Trent, Basketball


Connect with New Friends:

  • Playing social sports is a fantastic way to meet new people who share your interests — you already have something in common! It can help improve social skills, confidence and enables you to step out of your comfort zone with a bit of a buffer.

  • Team sports encourage teamwork and camaraderie, leading to lasting friendships (we’ve seen this happen!)

  • Here’s a random one - networking opportunities. Sounds weird, but these opportunities are plentiful in social sport! Whether you’re networking because you’ve moved to a new city, want to find more people to hang out with (tbh making new friends as an adult is hard) or maybe you’re wanting to network for business purposes! Who knows?! You’ll likely find some fun people and make a connection.

Improve Your Fitness Gradually:

  • Social sport offers a low-pressure environment to gradually improve your fitness level at your own pace.

  • Regular games and practices help build your stamina and strength over time.

  • Teammates are there to support and motivate you, making it easier to stick with your fitness goals and feel encouraged to keep playing 👯‍♀️


“I 100% felt worried about my fitness levels and my general netball ability before I started. Quite quickly I realised that everyone was coming off the court feeling really hot and red so it was very much a shared exhaustion!

You won’t be the only one feeling a bit tired or sweating it out because literally everyone is and that really helps.

It’s a fast paced game with a fair bit of running and I’m by no means the fittest person at all so I was worried I wouldn’t have great stamina but the fun of the game keeps you going. Also if you want to take a position which tends to have a bit less running you definitely can and people would be happy to accommodate that.” — Izzy, Netball 🏐


Relieve Stress and Improve Mental Health:

  • Engaging in physical activity is a proven way to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

  • Social sports combine the benefits of exercise with the added bonus of social interaction, making them an ideal stress-reliever.

  • Playing sports can help boost your mood, self-esteem, and overall sense of happiness!

Develop New Skills and Knowledge:

  • Trying a new sport or joining a team can help you learn new skills and strategies. You can jump into a team, or even try out new sports by playing casually!

  • Experienced teammates can offer guidance and support as you develop your abilities and skills.

  • Overcoming challenges and achieving personal milestones can give you a sense pride. It feels good to do something a little challenging and outside of your comfort zone, and when you notice yourself getting better — scoring, making great saves, being able to come up with strategies to help the team win — there’s a real sense of accomplishment that goes along with it 💪

There's no reason to let your fitness level stop you from playing sport socially. So what are you waiting for?

Group of people in basketball jerseys on the steps at Basketball court.

Just Play Plus


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