More of an introvert? We’ve got you covered.

Are you considering diving into the world of social sports, but feeling a bit daunted by the idea of joining a team? Worry not; we've got you covered!

If you’re a little more on the introverted side of life, we've put together this handy survival guide with tips and advice to help introverts flourish in social team sport 👇

✅ Choose the Right Sport and League

  • When picking a social sport, think about the team size, level of interaction required, and overall atmosphere of the competition. Look for sports that match your comfort levels and preferences.

    Remember, there's a wide variety of options available at Just Play! We’d recommend some lower-key sports, such as Volleyball, Mixed Futsal, Mixed Netball & Mixed Basketball or even Multi-Sport leagues (everyone is learning a new sport every week, so you’re certainly not alone).

  • Seek out teams that emphasise a friendly, inclusive environment. If possible, join a team with someone you know or ask the league organiser for recommendations. Just Play is always happy to recommend some more beginner friendly / fun leagues that hold a strong focus on social atmosphere in your area.

✅ Always Be Prepared

  • Before signing up for a social sports team, acquaint yourself with the game's rules and basic strategies. This will help you feel more confident and let you concentrate on enjoying the experience.

  • Organise your gear the night before a game or practice to minimise anxiety and ensure you have everything you need.

✅ Set Realistic Expectations

  • Keep in mind that social sports are intended to be fun and inclusive, not hyper-competitive. Don't pressure yourself to be a superstar athlete from the get-go.

  • Embrace the learning process and celebrate small victories, like mastering a new skill or making an impressive play. Progress takes time, so be patient with yourself.

✅ Communicate Your Needs

  • Inform your teammates and coach that you're an introvert and share any specific needs or concerns you might have. Most people are understanding and will appreciate your honesty (also… it’s most likely there are other people in the same boat as you!)

  • If you need a break during a game or practice, don't hesitate to step aside for a few minutes to recharge. Your well-being is crucial!

✅ Focus on Building One-on-One Connections

  • Large group settings can be overwhelming for introverts. Instead, concentrate on forging one-on-one connections with your teammates. This will help you feel more at ease and supported in the team environment.

  • Look for opportunities to chat with teammates before or after games, or during breaks. Asking about their experiences with the sport or discussing common interests can help break the ice.

✅ Embrace Your Strengths

  • Introverts possess unique strengths that can be advantageous in social sports. For instance, you may excel at observing and analysing the game or have a talent for listening and offering thoughtful feedback to your teammates.

  • Don't be afraid to contribute your insights and skills to the team. Your perspective is valuable!

✅ Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

  • To help manage anxiety or nervousness on the field, try practicing mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or visualisation. These can help you stay present and focused during games.

  • Incorporate relaxation techniques, like yoga or meditation, into your daily routine to help manage stress and improve overall well-being.

✅ Remember the Benefits

  • Social sports offer numerous benefits for introverts, including increased self-confidence, improved communication skills, and the opportunity to form meaningful connections.

  • Keep these benefits in mind as motivation to continue stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the world of social sport!

Armed with these tips, you'll be well-equipped to navigate and thrive. Just Play is here to support you every step of the way, so gear up, get out there — your new team is waiting for you!


Just Play Plus


Embrace Social Sports, Regardless of Fitness Levels


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